Mark Thomas-04

Mark Thomas Injury Lawyer has always been focused on people and is passionate about making sure people don’t get taken advantage of. This passion pulled the founder, Mark Thomas, from serving as a defense attorney for insurance companies to starting a practice representing injured victims. This knowledge and experience eases client fears and eliminates uncertainty. The firm also is focused on case outcomes, creating a plan to help clients get better and get their lives back on track. Since 1998 the firm has been growing on this core philosophy. But with growth came challenges in communications. The question was how to scale this client-first approach as more clients came to the firm for help. Phone, email and text were not getting the job done. Mark Thomas Injury Lawyer found the right technology partner in Case Status to consolidate and automate client communications via a single channel allowing the firm to scale world-class engagement.

92% Adoption of the App

4.2 Hour Average Client Response

366 Hours Saved

5,600 Messages Sent On The Platform

82 Net Promoter Score

“Plenty of clients have expressed through the app how much they like it and how easy it is to use. We've also had instances where clients have been unreachable through email and phone calls but will quickly respond to a message on the app. We're really glad we've implemented it.”

Hannah Tansel  (Office Administrator at Schaffer & Associates LPA)

The Situation & The Solution
Schaffer & Associates LPA has always relied on happy client testimonials and direct client referrals. As such, new case intake has always been healthy and growing. But as with any healthy growth, the need for a small team to achieve new levels of efficiency was also growing. In addition to this firm growth there were also the external factors at play, like the Social Security Administration seeing increasing lead times, only exacerbated by the pandemic. This “perfect storm” meant more client inquiries asking for updates. Understanding that the clients would prefer to self-serve, the team at Schaffer & Associates LPA began the search for a better, more scalable way to serve the info while delighting their clients with empathetic engagement. In 2022, the firm got notice from MyCase that a new integration was available with Case Status. The team took quick notice of the 5-star rated, firm-branded client portal that was a smartphone app. Verifying high adoption rates and 5-star ratings from thousands of clients, the team took a closer look at the integration with MyCase. With automatic stage updates, real time messaging from MyCase to the App and ability to share documents, schedule appointments and track checklists, the team built a business case that would pay dividends.

85% Adoption of the App

2.5 Weeks Saved

5 Hour Average Client Response

73 Net Promoter Score